On Monday we headed down to BYU. We spent the morning in the bookstore and helping my brother and sister apply for jobs (none of which they got, though they have gotten other jobs since). After lunch it was time to entertain the kids, so we headed for the
Bean Museum.
Emma and Maddie with the Liger, of Napoleon Dynamite fame. |
Emma and Maddie roar like cougars. |
Cousins Chase, Jordan, Emma, and Maddie in front of all the animals. |
All the kids (notice the addition of little Bobby in the middle of the two bigger boys) doing their best roar. |
A funny story after that last picture: The kids were exhausted, and you can kind of tell that Maddie is not happy with Emma. After this picture was taken, she started screaming and went down the row, hitting her sister and cousins in turn. It was hilarious, and unfortunately only captured on my dad's cell phone. (We need that picture, Dad! For posterity!) After that it was time to head home for the day. :)
I can't believe how big Emma is getting. She's growing up.
Ah, the Bean Museum. I remember going there when David and I were kids. Good to see your Tyler home, and I can't believe how long Maddie's hair is! Andrew reminds me of David and Matt as babies. So cute!
Love you,
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