Monday, February 28, 2011

Garden 2011: Week 1

Two weekends ago, we decided to enlarge our garden. (I do square foot gardening--but this is my favorite site about it--be sure to sign up for the weekly reminder emails!)Dave built me a 4x12 foot bed using this cinderblock plan from Covington's Nursery. He filled it with new dirt and I planted my first crops last week--lettuce, spinach, peas, carrots, onions, and broccoli. Thus far the only thing up is the broccoil, and that's only because I used transplants. Everything else is from seed.

I hope to update my progress every few weeks!


Mistie said...

how fun! It looks like a straightforward, simple way to do it. i am anxious to see the results. best of luck! i am assuming you can start it this early b/c you are in warm Texas weather?! I hope to get around to planting a garden again this year with a new baby! good for you!

Jen said...

I'm so jealous. :) Not only because you HAVE a garden, but because you plant in early March! This year I'm going to try container gardening on our balconies. We'll see how it goes!

Brooke and Ryan Steed said...

Nice! Ryan will want to see these pics!