Sunday, November 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Emma!

Emma turned 1 last Wednesday (November 7th). We were out of town at the time, but I didn't want the occasion to pass without making a list of why we love our girl.

1. She is a happy girl and claps for almost everything.

2. When she wakes up in the morning, she claps and waves her arms when you get her out of the crib. The same goes for when Dad comes home. It's definitely an ego boost for her parents.

3. She is very independent and is happy to entertain herself.

4. She weaned herself once she started table foods and will try almost anything, as long as you are eating it too.

5. Two words: button nose.

6. She is a dare devil. She loves to swim, swing, and go down the slide.

7. She has been to 10 states: New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Michigan, Arizona, Utah, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Florida. She is a great traveler and loves seeing new things.

8. She learned to crawl, stand, and walk on her own. We showed her how to do it, but it wasn't until we left her on her own (and weren't watching) that she really figured it out.

9. She is not afraid to fall and rarely cries when she plops on her bum.

10. She is ours and we love her so!


erin said...

Happy Birthday Emma! I can't believe she's one! What a cutie and I love the button nose too!

The Silly Witch said...

What a kid! I love her too, and I wish I could know her better.

Tyler Waterfall said...

We love our Emma girl, too. What a fun list. I am excited to spend more time with you guys at Christmas and get to know my adventurous little niece even better! Happy Birthday, Sweet Em!

Jenny said...

Happy 1st Birthday Emma!

And happy 1 year as a mom to you. :)

Kendall and Shelly Burr. said...

Aww, Happy Birthday! We love Emma too! I think Damon has a crush on her. Emma was the first name he was able to say. Can't wait to see Florida pictures.