Tuesday, October 21, 2014

January 2014

We redid the carpet in the family room

A blue pedicure because I'm having another BOY!

Andrew clearly needs a brother. 

Andrew's swim class refresher.

I LOVE getting Christmas cards! I leave them up until way after Christmas.

Cute and cozy on a cold night.

Andrew likes playing in the lockers while the girls are at swimming lessons.

A little "Headbands" on a Saturday afternoon.

Dave's birthday!

Andrew fell in the driveway that morning and had a pretty bad road rash.

Dave's colleague gave these stuffed animals to the kids.

Andrew's road rash is improving!

Maddie brought this gem home from preschool.

Spontaneous hand holding. I love it!

We started this. 

A warm day spent at the zoo.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I leave Christmas cards up until the next year when they start arriving. I love it and visitors do to!!