Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Forever Blowing Bubbles

To celebrate Emma's birthday, we invited over some of her favorite friends for pizza and cupcakes. And what better activity for the five-and-under set than blowing bubbles? Emma had a blast, until Dave accidentally dripped some bubble solution onto his pants. With frantic cry of "Napkin!" she ran into the kitchen, desperate to rescue her father from the renegade bubble solution. Dave was not nearly as upset, though he was touched by Emma's concern.


DC Diva said...

I think it's GREAT (and so cute) that she's so neat and clean. What a dream little girl/child/TEENAGER if this keeps up!

The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

I'll NEVER forget that. It was sooo hil-arious!!!

Sara said...

That's too cute!!! I can't believe how big she looks!