Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yes, folks, if you look closely you'll see white snow/ice/sleet on my roof. It might have dusted the ground last night too, but as I have a tendency to go to bed at 9 pm these days, I missed it. I'm not terribly thrilled about the cold--I actually think it was warmer in New Jersey today! (Not that I begrudge them warm weather--they need all the heat they can get!) Never fear though, it's supposed to get back up to 60 by Friday, and all will be right with the world.


Maile said...

Well, if it's warmer here, that's a very short-lived phenomenon. =) The temperature was quite warm today, but it's been freezing up until now!

Lulu said...

Just gotta say that your house is beautiful! I love it. hehe
and about the weather...ya, dido what maile said. today it's back down into the 30's and tomorrow even lower. uuggh! ;)
Merry Christmas!

Rhonda said...

Oh know... you have become soft!

Although a little part of me is quite jealous.

Your home is beautiful. Also, did the renters come through?

Rhonda said...

...oh NO! NOT "know!" Ugh.

Emily said...

uh oh! I didn't think it did that in Texas!

T. Bateman said...

Hi, I know this may seem VERY random, but I came across your blog from Amberly's page and just thought I would say hello. Hi. :) (by the way, this is Treona from the ward in Manhattan, way back in 2002-2004) I got a little updated from your blog...congrats on the recent move and the nice new home! It's fun to see what you guys are up to. Hope you all enjoy the Holidays. Merry Christmas.