Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Andrew: 4 Months

Height:  25.5 inches, 72%
Weight: 13.3 lbs., 18%
Head:  15.8 inches, 6%
Size 2 diapers
Size 0-3 month and 3-6 month clothes
Andrew is definitely one of our children: tall and skinny!

--Blowing raspberries
--Cooing and "singing," especially in the car
--Rolling over
--Licking stuff
--Sucking his thumb and fingers

--Getting stuck on his tummy

--Rolled over, back to front

Personality Notes:
--Andrew continues to be a super mellow baby. He cries only when really really hungry or if he gets stuck on his stomach.
--He keeps easily to a schedule, and it keeps him happy. He sleeps 6 pm-6 am.
--While awake, he eats approximately every 2 hours.
--He loves to look around and observe the world. Even if he is really tired or hungry, I can usually hold him off from eating or sleeping by holding him up so he can see around.

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