Thursday, February 21, 2008

15 Months

Emma went for her 15 month pediatrician visit 2 weeks ago. Here are her stats:
Weight: 21 1/2 lbs.--25th percentile
Height: 31 1/2 inches--80th percentile
Head: 44 cm--5th percentile

Here is a glimpse of Emma these days:
1. She loves to read and often brings me a book to read to her, nudging me if I'm busy doing something else.
2. She's a bit of a selective eater, but she loves eggs, yogurt, bread, bananas, and dried cranberries.
3. She loves to mooch from whatever we're eating, but she especially loves mooching her father's breakfast.
4. She loves to play in her room and is good at entertaining herself.
5. She loves animals and can say the sounds for dog, goose, duck, bear/lion/dinosaur, and snake.
6. She recently learned to play peek-a-boo, and is now fully aware of her role as entertainer.
7. She loves to walk. Her favorite part of the day is walking down the hall and going down the elevator to get the mail.
8. She loves other kids and loves to follow around kids that are older than her.
9. She loves "Baby Einstein" DVDs and will sit still to watch them for as long as I let her! (When I turn it off after half an hour, she signs "more.")
10. She loves to chase and be chased.
11. She has recently become a little Linus and loves to snuggle with blankets.
12. She is down to one nap a day, usually from 1-3 pm.
13. She loves to carry around toys that will fit in her hand, like Fisher Price Little People.
14. She loves to play with her dad and they have their own little games.
She's a lot of fun but she has also become a full-fledged toddler and she can be "adorably infuriating" at times. But mostly she's great and we love her!


Maile said...

Emma is so sweet! I love the list of the percentiles she's in. I didn't realize she is so tall for her age. My kids are both short with big heads!

Naomi said...

She is sure growing up. It seems just like yesterday she was born. Time has sure flown by and it looks like she is developing quite the cute personality.

erin said...

Emma is taller and weighs more than Bri! But Bri has a much bigger head!!! :) I think Brianna's head is in the 70th percentile!!!
I wish we could get the two of them together. Emma sounds like such a sweetheart! Don't you love this age?

The Silly Witch said...

She is great! She sounds like such a smart, on-the-ball little girl.